Jesus lives forever

Jesus lives forever
"I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me." Gl 2, 20.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

U. S. study about cohabitation and marriage

Cohabitation and Marriage Intensity
Consolidation, Intimacy, and Commitment

This is the title of a study made in USA and available in the Internet (click here).

In this study, it's possible to confirm that married couples have more consolidation, intimacy and commitment, in fact they are happier.

Married couples say "YES" one to other, and when this "YES" is sincerely said, they don't get married for own happiness, but to made the spouse the happiest.

A couple that doesn't assume a commitment never will be engaged to build anything together. While a couple really committed one to other will mutually help themselves in any occasion.

Being committed and engaged with your spouse is one of hardest decisions that a person can do, but it's full of rewards until you live as well.

And about safe feeling? In special for woman, safe feeling is absolute needed to be fully free for loving and open to receive the rewards of love in marriage, beautiful and blessed babies.

The Church of Christ teaches many trues about marriage, but many times we can not believe in this teachings until see them in a academic published study. We must understand the Church teaches based in centuries of experience and observation, but much of this knowledge is not published in academic or scientific magazines.

For finishing, let's think about our relationships, think about how you are building love for your life, what are your expectations, and if you are disposed to make your spouse the happiest one in the World.

Pray for your future and ask to find what can make you really happy, because happiness in any relationship is not made for own will but shared.

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