Jesus lives forever

Jesus lives forever
"I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me." Gl 2, 20.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Joy! Day of happiness for Church in Russia and Central Europe

Today, Dec 6, the Church celebrates Saint Nicholas of Myra:

I saw in the Blogger administration tool today that Russia is the country where most of visitors of my blog are from, and looking for some subjects for writing about the Catholic Church in Russia I discovered today is day of Saint Nicholas of Myra, who is patron saint of Russia.

In His infinite mercy, God inspires common people to do, and to be, extraordinary history changers, these people chosen by God use to be different of anybody else, their priorities are not the same of most of others.

Saint Nicholas was a children carer, helping poor children with their material and spiritual needs. Santa Claus legend has it begin in the life of Saint Nicholas.

Saint Nicholas had many problems as well, including unpleasantness with the Catholic Church of his age, where his contemporary brothers of clergy did not understand his way of sanctity.

Today, his deeds are remembered in all the Catholic Church around the World as examples to be followed for everyone. Peace, charity, poorness of spirit, love for poorer people, and faith in Jesus, these are some of the some marked behaviors of Saint Nicholas, and all of them are so much needed in our lives.

Saint Nicholas of Myra, pray for us, and in special for Russia and afflicted people around the World.

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